(excerpts from "Superburnerman: Hotter Than Hell") In the pre-dawn hours of January 7th, 1998, Superburnerman opened his eyes to the squalling of the alarm clock and turned on the news while preparing for another day of saving people from freezing in the Great White North. Much to his surprise, school was canceled in preparation for a storm that was expected to drop freezing rain on the area. Knowing there had been false alarms of this type in the past, he went to work after kissing his wife and kids, like always. By the time Superburnerman arrived home, there was an icy glaze over everything in the great outdoors, and branches had begun to bend beneath the weight. Driving home, bright flashes lit the night, and Superburnerman had to wonder: "Is it flashbacks from college, or are those transformers exploding?" On Thursday, the 8th, rain continued to fall, and the report came through that 220,000 homes were without electricity as the lights flickered and dimmed in the SuperburnerLair and the computer could not hook up with the Internet server. School was canceled for Friday before the children were tucked in on Thursday night, and Superburnerman knew frustration, as this was Mother Nature with SERIOUS PMS, and even Superburnerman’s superpowers can’t cope with a bloated, cranky woman! On Friday morning, the newscaster announced that 275,000 homes were without electricity...only moments before the SuperburnerLair was plunged into darkness. (The eventual count reached closer to 500,000 by the time all was said and done.) That day, while Superburnerman worked on those furnaces that still had power, his beloved other half, Mad Mom, dug out long unused camping gear and led the treasure hunt through a few local stores for the items they would need to see them through a few days of primitive living. Her foresight was unusually keen, for power would not be restored until Sunday, the 11th, by which time the children discovered the true meaning of the term "bored games". With Superburnerman bringing back the required quantity of propane, the SuperburnerLair remained safe and fairly warm for the duration. On Monday morning, school was canceled for the whole week, and Mad Mom felt her heart fill with dread. 8 school days canceled, plus Martin Luther King Day, plus 4 weekend days....Mad Mom did the math carefully, as math was never her strong suit, and came up with the total of 13 days at home with the children, and cabin fever had already begun to raise it’s insane little head! With the outdoors sounding like an artillery range, complete with mortar shelling, they couldn't even consider playing outside among the falling trees, even with hardhats! Throughout that first stormy weekend, men from electric companies from neighboring states arrived to assist with the clean-up, and by the time President Clinton declared the area eligible for Federal Disaster Aid, hundreds of workers from a dozen or more states were busily cleaning away the rubble and restringing mile after mile of downed wires. The numbers of people without electricity dwindled from 168,000 on Monday the 12th to 47,152 on Saturday, the 17th, yet all was not well within the homes of those with power. Everywhere was the echo of children’s voices repeating that ancient phrase: "There’s nothing to DO around here!" And within the SuperburnerLair, Superburnerman was forced to admit that even superheros can do nothing to keep bored children amused. When power was restored, children skipped off to school, actually pleased to be GOING to school....as long as it was out of the house! Parents returned to jobs and as many as possible returned to life as usual, but Superburnerman? He stands staring at the sky for long, brooding spells as if wondering what that old wench, Mother Nature, has in store next. His arch-villain is crafty and wise...and the Kenduskeag Stream Canoe Race is just around the corner... To be continued (DUH!!!)....
A big thank you to The Portland Press Herald Online for the facts and photos that were used for this tale (which, unfortunately was removed after this was published online). The recovery from this storm went on well into the summer of 1998.....and many trees in the forests may well sport broken limbs for years to come!